2024 Emmaus House Fellowship

Emmaus House seeks to help develop the next generation of leaders who will help transform Atlanta into a more equitable city.

Emmaus House creates opportunities for residents of the southside of Atlanta to move towards greater well-being by focusing on economic and educational opportunities for our neighbors. Rather than help children, young people, and families beat the odds society imposes, we want to help change the odds so all people can thrive.

Emmaus House seeks to help develop the next generation of leaders who will help transform Atlanta into a more equitable city. To move towards that goal, Emmaus House offers three Fellowship opportunities for young adults. This six-month, cohort-based model allows young adults to learn about community challenges and add their voice to community-driven opportunities.

We are looking for Fellows who have a strong interest in and passion for equitable community well-being and who desire to explore some of the issues facing residents who live with the effects of material poverty.

Fellowship Focus Areas:

This cohort-based fellowship will provide an opportunity to explore three key areas. While all three fellows will have the opportunity to explore each of these areas, fellows will choose one on which to focus.

Workforce development and employment that leads to living wage jobs/careers.

Child and youth education, including out-of-school-time programming.

Safe and affordable housing and community safety.

Fellowship Overview and Expectations

Emmaus House will provide professional development opportunities and connect Fellows to community leaders. Fellows will be expected to attend neighborhood community meetings in Peoplestown and other neighborhoods and monthly Neighborhood Planning Unit V (NPU-V) meetings. Fellows will meet weekly with Emmaus House staff. At the end of the Fellowship, Fellows will submit a report summarizing their experiences and lessons learned.

The Fellowship will begin on April 1 and conclude on September 30. Fellows will be expected to participate fifteen hours per week for twenty-six weeks. Compensation is $20/hour. Must pass a background check before starting.

Find out more

For more information about the Fellowship program at Emmaus House, please send your questions to info@emmaushouse.org.